BRC Certification

DMD has been registered with the BRC and certified under the Packaging standards since 2004. Since that time DMD has consistently passed year on year inspections. We are proud to inform our customers that certification has been re-newed until 26th January 2024 following our most recent inspection on 1st & 2nd November 2022 where we achieved grade ‘A+’ status under the current regulations; BRC IoP Issue 6. A copy of our latest certificate can be downloaded in pdf format by clicking on the image.

What is the BRC?

In 1998 the British Retail Consortium (BRC), responding to industry needs, developed and introduced the BRC Food Technical Standard to be used to evaluate manufacturers of retailers own brand food products. It is designed to assist retailers and brand owners produce food products of consistent safety and quality and assist with their ‘due diligence’ defence, should they be subject to a prosecution by the enforcement authorities. Under EU food Law, retailers and brand owners have a legal responsibility for their brands.

In a short space of time, this Standard became invaluable to other organisations across the sector. It was and still is regarded as the benchmark for best practice in the food industry. This and its use outside the UK has seen it evolve into a Global Standard used not just to assess retailer suppliers, but as a framework upon which many companies have based their supplier assessment programmes and manufacture of branded products.

Many UK, North American and many European retailers, and brand owners will only consider business with suppliers who have gained certification to the appropriate BRC Global Standard.

Following the success and widespread acceptance of the BRC Food Technical Standard, the BRC published the first issue of the Packaging Standard in 2002, followed by Consumer Products Standard in August 2003, and finally by the BRC Global Standard – Storage and Distribution in August 2006 . In 2009, the BRC partnered with the Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA) to develop the Global Standard for Consumer Products North America edition. Each of these Standards is regularly reviewed revised and updated at least every 3 years after extensive consultation with a wide range of stakeholders.



BRC/IoP Global Standard - Packaging

Developed by the British Retail Consortium (BRC), a UK trade organization that represents the interests of the UK retailers, in conjunction with the Institute of Packaging, the BRC/IoP Global Standard - Packaging and Other Packaging Materials was developed to assist retailers and manufacturers in meeting their legal obligations.

The standard provides a common basis for the certification of companies supplying packaging to manufacturers and retailers. The BRC are a globally accredited supplier of auditing and certification services to this standard.

Who is it relevant to?

The BRC/IoP Global Packaging Standard is particularly suitable for suppliers of packaging materials to food manufacturers who supply UK retailers. Its scope has recently been expanded to include medical, pharmaceutical and consumer goods packaging manufacturers.


Principles of the standard:

• Minimize duplication of evaluation
• Ensure transparency and compliance with fair trading legislation
• Continuously review and improve standards and supporting processes
• Promote best practice


Requirements include:

• Organization
• Hazard and risk management system
• Technical management system
• Factory standards
• Contamination control
• Personnel